Category: 出版本书

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Eine gewissenhafte ganzheitliche Gestaltung der Arbeitswelt kann das kreative Menschsein fördern und maßgeblich zur Gesunderhaltung von Körper und Geist beitragen. Damit werden auch Produktivität

Date 2022-11-15
Language  German
File Size 2.42 MB
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A meticulous and holistic design of the working environment, however, can promote creativeness and significantly contribute to the wellbeing of body and mind. This design also promotes

Date 2022-11-15
Language  English
File Size 2.42 MB
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比之罗列一个“待办事项“,我们更观注表象下面的根本及其之间的关系,这样才能在全面而具体地规划办公室时,找到潜在问题。本着 “提高生活质量,创健康办公环境” 的 公司理念,无论是对室内建筑师和设计师提出的创意; 还是对这些创意带给个人及团队有何健康上或工作效率上的任何影响,“活力-办公室”都可预先作出评估。

Date 2016-08-21
Language  See description
File Size 2.58 MB
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Vital-Office Intro, Unternehmensgrundsätze, Historie, Qualität, Umweltfreundlich und Gesund, Deutsche oder Chinesische Produktion, Portfolio, Geschäftsfelder, Produkte und Dienstleistungen

Date 2016-11-15
Language  German
File Size 2.05 MB
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Introduction of Vital-Office: Vital-Office introduction, Corporate principles, History, Trusted Quality, Green and Safe, German or Chinese production, Portfolio, Business divisions, products and

Date 2016-11-15
Language  English
File Size 2 MB
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Introducing Feng Shui Fortune and Business Excellence at the Workplace - Shanghai 26. Mai 2015

Good Feng Shui at the workplace can nurture your fortune and health, while bad Feng Shui

Date 2016-11-15
Language  English
File Size 21.04 MB
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Offices are places where we spend a considerable part of our lives; it is therefore important to rethink office design.
Is it possible to create offices that are enriching environments that

Date 2016-08-21
Language  English
File Size 351.13 KB
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It is time for a new generation of enterprises.Inspiring enterprises where not only success but also the human being is important. Not only profit but joy and passion to implement ideas together

Date 2016-08-21
Language  English
File Size 3.29 MB
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Vital-Office Argumentation VO-3 als Präsentation

Date 2021-11-02
Language  German
File Size 1.75 MB
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German furniture manufacturing

Vital Office GmbH

 D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204

  +49 7248 93566-90

  +49 7248 93566-97

  [email protected]


International Export

Vital Office Hongkong Limited

 Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  [email protected]

Chinese furniture manufacturing

Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd


  [email protected]

 Wechat ID: Vital-Office



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