For communication and collaboration the layout and partitioning of offices is most important.
We have very intensely studied Feng Shui and found that many basic parts of Feng Shui are corresponding with ergonomics. The difference mainly is the kind of language used. While ergonomics is in scientific abstract language, Feng Shui describes complex psychological issues in an easy understandable picture like language.
To enhance collaboration also some structural methods of Feng Shui fit well to structure office.
Everyone has heard of ergonomics - after all, the word is widely used in advertising. But to think of ergonomics simply as a way of designing more comfortable goods misses the point - there is much more to ergonomics.
The word ergonomics is perhaps a little intimidating, but behind it lies a very simple idea.
The industrial science, Ergonomics, deals with the stresses and needs of working people. By recognizing and analyzing them the work environment can be better adjusted to the employees.
The main task of ergonomics is avoiding incorrect operations in the security-relevant areas like airplanes, cars and power plants, by adjusting the material for the work and the work environment to the person in an optimal way.
The preserving of the employee’s health is a logical consequence.
Even if you already have a concrete architectural draft, it still pays to have a second expert’s opinion. We carefully check its ergonomic pros and cons, its functionality and performance enhancing qualities.
Our service is available in parts. You can choose to start with a draft’s analysis or have an all inclusive conception.
Vital-Office® always was and is something special. While striving for a consequent design of furnishings and environment to the benefit of human health and well-being we constitute ourselves often as harmonic counterpoint to modern architecture. Thus bringing the missing elements in a building. Live is creativity and dynamic action.
Integral office design is a requirement for excellent Management. From planning and design to completion we show you how to establish a high performance office.
We have made it our job to develop integral creative solutions for the office environment, to offer companies more efficiency and people a better quality of life. Therefore the brand, Vital-Office® was founded
We are convinced:
With Vital-Office flexiconference you can rearrange your conference room or training center very easily. According to the situation needed the system enables you to make arrangements for every requirement. Your benefit: Only 2 table top forms enable you optimal arrangements for meeting, presentation, conference, training, banquet, event and reception.
Flexible presentations: In a meeting you need to contribute something you have on your notebook. No Problem. With UTS1 Serial Network your notebook screen is mirrored on the projector in superior quality. Even video clips in Full HD are streamed without even the slightest interruption. All this is possible through a special technique, which connects up to 64 tables with only a patch cable. The features are:
The time that people spend working in the office is a regular part of life that has impacts on people’s health. The office is a working environment with many physical and psychological demands, challenges, and stresses which have a long-term effect on the person working in an office. These demands, challenges, and stresses in offices can cause psychological problems and physical ailments. A meticulous and holistic design of the working environment, however, can promote creativeness and significantly contribute to the wellbeing of body and mind. This design also promotes productivity and innovation.
The Vital Office GmbH, specialist for office optimization, supports enterprises with its new product "Vital-Office® acoustic-panel-blinds" in their effort to create a less noisy office environment. The sound absorbing Vital-Office® acoustic-panel-blinds structure window facades and provide flexible screening of working groups, thus resulting in more quietness and concentration on the job.
Modern „Team And Work“ work-station for individual distinctiveness. Energetic combination of materials for the work surface with the slightly slanted aluminum rear panel and the elliptical molded column, supports the expression of motivation, lightness and stability.
5 years after the furnishing of Jungheinrichs new factory, Vital-Office is again the supplier for Jungheinrichs new HQ and SO. Green bamboo desks are chosen again. Rectangular desk tops with height adjustable bases are added new. And the ergonomic saddle like WEY-chair was choosen again, but in 3rd generation technique and design. Electric installation and plug-in possibilities from top of table and from below table top was a special concern. Acoustic partitions are especially made for height adjustable stand-up desks. The acoustic panel is lifted always by the highest table top. This ensures, that all sticky notes on the screens are always available to the users on both sides.
Schon lange mit uns auf dem Weg und immer wieder in sehr angenehmer Zusammenarbeit sind wir mit unserem Kunden Kunz-Schulze Immobilien. Sicher liegt das auch daran, dass Teile seiner Firmenphilosophie wie „Der Mensch steht bei uns im Vordergrund“ oder "wir leben unseren Beruf mit ganzem Herzen“ den unseren so ähnlich sind. Mit diesem Hintergrund machten wir uns an die Arbeit und entwarfen mit dem kreativen Team von Kunz Schulze Immobilien zusammen, ein sehr edles, modernes und lebendiges Büro, welches bis hin zu den eingesetzten Vital-Office (Möbel) Produkten das Firmenbild spürbar macht. "Die Qualität unserer Arbeitsumgebung bestimmt die Qualität unserer Arbeit" - Unsere ergonomischen Tische wurden aus einer Kombination von nachhaltigem massivem Bambus und Linoleum gefertigt, Die benötigten Aktenschränke erhielten eine schlichte Dekorfläche und wurden einseitig mit einer Bambusrahmen-/Akustik 3d-frames Konstruktion beplankt, um gleichzeitig ein angenehm raumakustisches Klima zu schaffen. Als zusätzliche schallabsorbierende Elemente wurden unsere Akustikmatten in Rollcontainern sowie Sichtschutzblenden der Schreibtische verarbeitet. Große Pflanztröge sorgen für ein gesundes Raumklima.
高吸水性的柔性 vitAcoustic 吸音器百叶窗橱柜转换障碍成高效的宽带吸收 cost-effectively。遵循 microperforation 的原则, 纺织 vitAcoustic 板, 结合一个腔体 (内阁内部), 发展几乎线性宽带吸收, 特别是在语言相关领域。vitAcoustic 百叶窗, 可在多达50种颜色, 通常比可比 PVC 百叶窗便宜。
宜人安静的房间气氛, 具有良好的语音清晰度。
更便宜和更环保的替代 PVC 百叶窗有或没有声学功能
大颜色选择, 更具设计灵活性
该材料是 E0, B1 和可回收 (PET)
Sound, light and color - an exciting combination. Acoustics are combined with light. Light is built into sound absorbing material. An infinite number of beautiful products in many colors and shapes appear in the light. Form, function, design and joie de vivre - everything is shown in one.
An absolutely exciting new world for designers, architects and users. We have compiled the result of the new modular product ideas for the international trade fair Orgatec 2022 in Cologne here:
Our manufacturing facility is well equipped and competent to realize your ideas. Simply phone or email us at +49 7248 93566-90 / [email protected]
The first Kohlbecker building was called „The Human Factory“. Because Karl Kohlbecker wanted to ensure that a good quality of life does not end at the factory gates. That‘s a kind thought. And an entrepreneurial one: because when people feel comfortable, everything runs better. Quality increases, processes become faster, the work succeeds.
No compromises have been made in the equipment of each individual desk workstation. All components are individually adaptable to humans. Due to the special geometry of the desk, very advantageous workplace groupings result. The offset of the tables to each other is very pleasant. Direct counterparts are avoided. Instead, harmoniously spacious rooms are created between the desks.
Hervorragende Dämmeigenschaften sowohl diffusionsoffene Wärmedämmung und A-Klasse Schall Absorption sind hier zu einem Doppelnutzen kombiniert. Dazu kommt die optisch schöne und hochwertige dekorative Gestaltung mit 19 verschiedenen Farben und vielen eingravierten Texturen. Darüber hinaus kann auch eine individuelle Bedruckung besondere Akzente setzten.
Wahlweise mit Holzfaser Dämmplatten oder absolut emissionsfreien PET Dämmplatten im Verbund mit dekorativer vitAcoustic Fliesenplatte.
Die Fertigung erfolgt auf Maß, so dass vor Ort kein Zuschnitt notwendig ist und daher auch kein Dreck vor Ort entsteht. Damit ist auch eine schnelle Verlegung, bzw. Montage gewährleistet.
Vital Office GmbH
D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204
+49 7248 93566-90
+49 7248 93566-97
Vital Office Hongkong Limited
Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd
Wechat ID: Vital-Office
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