Individualism in a system with classic, timeless lines and anthropometric structure. Representative elegance - a valuable and quality product of high quality and exceptional design in a timeless, classic and modern form.
For your best ideas and the right decisions You take responsibility for your decisions. Therefore you would like to work on a ergonomically and aesthetically appropriate desk. Representative elegance without being distancing is the character of this model. With its shape it follows up the history in design classics.
Innovative, classic and at the same time serious, the executive desk in command design radiates tranquility, idea potential and Competence.
Modern „Team And Work“ work-station for individual distinctiveness. Energetic combination of materials for the work surface with the slightly slanted aluminum rear panel and the elliptical molded column, supports the expression of motivation, lightness and stability.
Thomas Schopf and Peter Jordan designed the serie infinitydesign in 2000 according to the needs of ergonomics and Feng Shui. Within the last 10years many new enhancements and further developments took place.
The anthropometric serie bicon7concept is based on previous round desk structure called BIODATA from the early 90th.
Professional design is made for practice and takes care of a hidden and practical cabling of the desk.
In times of notebook and mobile phone, it is also necessary to have a practical plug-in option from top. So you can quickly and easily connect your notebook and your mobile phone, hiding the chargers in inside the leg.
The modular executive desk circon classic offers a covered cable tray in the molded feet, with plenty of room for electrical sockets, power supplies and a cable conduit from foot to foot. Also in the middle foot there is access to the cable duct.
The circular elements of the classic desk which can be combined, form with a soft organic alignment the creative communicative central point of the office.
2 basic tables combined with a angle plate.
Sculptural art architectureWith its clear cut design and its fine tuned functionality, face is the base desk system for creative, successful and healthy working.
A clear decision for style.Minimalistic, cool and sensually appealing – these are the attributes of this bold furniture design.Facet streams lead the eye and open up a room’s space.
The unique design of circon face base table is perfect for a noble conference table. Two base tables are joined and if more length needed atop is added in the middle.
Sculptural art architecture. With its clear cut design and its fine tuned functionality, face is the base desk system for creative, successful and healthy working. A clear decision for style.Minimalistic, cool and sensually appealing – these are the attributes of this bold furniture design. Facet streams lead the eye and open up a room’s space.
Item 3:
Sculptural art architecture. With its clear cut design and its fine tuned functionality, face is the base desk system for creative, successful and healthy working. A clear decision for style.Minimalistic, cool and sensually appealing – these are the attributes of this bold furniture design. Facet streams lead the eye and open up a room’s space.
Sound, light and color - an exciting combination. Acoustics are combined with light. Light is built into sound absorbing material. An infinite number of beautiful products in many colors and shapes appear in the light. Form, function, design and joie de vivre - everything is shown in one.
An absolutely exciting new world for designers, architects and users. We have compiled the result of the new modular product ideas for the international trade fair Orgatec 2022 in Cologne here:
Our manufacturing facility is well equipped and competent to realize your ideas. Simply phone or email us at +49 7248 93566-90 / [email protected]
香真正的干草,干草花和苔藓直接应用于维生素吸声板。另一种全方位感受真实天然产品的多功能方式(看,触摸,闻起来)。特殊的专利保存和涂层方法开辟了全新的设计选择。而vitAcoustic天然涂层吸波板可用于所有的声学应用,如三维框架,音响卷帘柜,房间划分的面板窗帘和灵活的分区和分区。用于测量:在有色玻璃和吸音板上透明或半透明的自然元素。设计你的个人声学自然图片与19 vitAcoustic颜色和真正的干草,干草花和苔藓。您可以选择不透明和透明。对于项目,我们也提供个别调整,例如半透明。非常独特的想法可以通过涂覆各种真正的天然材料,如干草,干草花和苔藓来实施。
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir möchten gerne mit Ihnen Zusammenarbeiten.
Traditionell Handwerksorientiert, können wir Ihnen folgende Akustik Produkte und Konfektionsleistungen für den Innenausbau und Möbelbau mit günstigen und flexiblen Akustikmaterial anbieten.
A remarkable acoustic optimized school project. Through professional consultation by Delhom acoustique the classrooms and corridors have large sound absorbing surfaces. Besides the ceiling, at least 1 wall was made with vitAcoustic wall absorbers.
Nicely integrated in the overall bamboo design by gmp · International GmbH (Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner).
The target was, that the kids can calm down and concentrate better in a quite and sound optimized acoustic environment. Whoever will visit this school will hear the difference and will want to sit down for a while and relax.
This project has been a challenge for our teams, because of the very very short delivery time for 3 floors, 30x classrooms with corridor and classroom inbuilt furniture, receptions desks, library, kitchen furniture, water dispenser, acoustic flower pots in PAC and much more.
5 years after the furnishing of Jungheinrichs new factory, Vital-Office is again the supplier for Jungheinrichs new HQ and SO. Green bamboo desks are chosen again. Rectangular desk tops with height adjustable bases are added new. And the ergonomic saddle like WEY-chair was choosen again, but in 3rd generation technique and design. Electric installation and plug-in possibilities from top of table and from below table top was a special concern. Acoustic partitions are especially made for height adjustable stand-up desks. The acoustic panel is lifted always by the highest table top. This ensures, that all sticky notes on the screens are always available to the users on both sides.
Fast alles ist möglich mit unseren VitAcoustic® cassettes. Geringes Gewicht, 1,9kg/m², Brandschutz B1 und leichte Montage zeichnen unser Material aus. Durch Excenterbefestigung ist eine Millimetergenaue Ausrichtung gewährleistet.
Testimonial: Das ist wirklich sehr gelungen, und der Kunde ist voll zufrieden. Sieht gut aus, Besten Dank für die tolle Arbeit. Die Montage verlief einfach, alles wurde in ca. 4 Std. montiert, inkl. den grossen Wandabsorber.
Schon lange mit uns auf dem Weg und immer wieder in sehr angenehmer Zusammenarbeit sind wir mit unserem Kunden Kunz-Schulze Immobilien. Sicher liegt das auch daran, dass Teile seiner Firmenphilosophie wie „Der Mensch steht bei uns im Vordergrund“ oder "wir leben unseren Beruf mit ganzem Herzen“ den unseren so ähnlich sind. Mit diesem Hintergrund machten wir uns an die Arbeit und entwarfen mit dem kreativen Team von Kunz Schulze Immobilien zusammen, ein sehr edles, modernes und lebendiges Büro, welches bis hin zu den eingesetzten Vital-Office (Möbel) Produkten das Firmenbild spürbar macht. "Die Qualität unserer Arbeitsumgebung bestimmt die Qualität unserer Arbeit" - Unsere ergonomischen Tische wurden aus einer Kombination von nachhaltigem massivem Bambus und Linoleum gefertigt, Die benötigten Aktenschränke erhielten eine schlichte Dekorfläche und wurden einseitig mit einer Bambusrahmen-/Akustik 3d-frames Konstruktion beplankt, um gleichzeitig ein angenehm raumakustisches Klima zu schaffen. Als zusätzliche schallabsorbierende Elemente wurden unsere Akustikmatten in Rollcontainern sowie Sichtschutzblenden der Schreibtische verarbeitet. Große Pflanztröge sorgen für ein gesundes Raumklima.
Vital Office GmbH
D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204
+49 7248 93566-90
+49 7248 93566-97
Vital Office Hongkong Limited
Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd
Wechat ID: Vital-Office
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