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星期一, 24 11月 2014 01:00

Why good office design is so important?

Have you ever considered how much time you spend in the office? Apart from periods spent sleeping, the workplace is the environment where we spend most time. The extent to which you live your working life creatively is the extent to which your private life will also be creative.

Our journey through life is positively or negatively influenced by the quality of our office workspace. We are used to living in a lush gloriously colourful environment based on archetypical experiences. At the same time the diversity of nature is the source of inspiration for the development of creative potentials.


Published in Office optimization

Büroplanung DTM-01 - Planung 01 – Variante A-C - Berater: Dieter Kirschner - DK Büro + Wohndesign GmbH http://www.dk-buerowohndesign.de

Bei diesem Projekt handelt es sich um ein Großraum-Gruppenbüro, das im Eingangsbereich und Flurbereich zu anderen Büros ist. Der Kunde möchte eine angenehme Arbeitsathmosphäre für die dort positionierten Mitarbeiter schaffen. Durch die rundum positionierten Einzelbüros und den Haupteingang sind die Laufwege zu berücksichtigen. Damit den im Großraum-Gruppenbüro arbeitenden Mitarbeitern ein streßfreies Arbeiten ermöglicht werden kann, sind die Störungen durch herumlaufende andere Mitarbeiter dadurch zu minimieren, daß eine angemessene Abschirmung zu den Laufwerken und eine Privatsphäre am Arbeitsplatz durch u.A. einer Rückendeckung gegeben ist. Weiterhin sind gehobene Ansprüche an die Raumakustik zu stellen, weshalb eine Schallabsorbierende Deckengestaltung als einzige akustische Maßnahme nicht ausreichend sein dürfte. Zusätzliche schallabsorbierende Flächen sind an Arbeitsplatz / Schreibtisch und Schränken zu empfehlen.

  • Variante A: infinitydesign Joker Formfit gerade mit quadratischen multifunktionalen Caddies, die am Arbeitsplatz, aber auch als Block im Raum oder in Reihe an der Wand multifunktional verwendet werden können. Die quadratische Form erlaubt Blockstellung mit unterschiedlichen Ausrichtungen. Die Caddies sind ein multifunktionales Möbelelement auf Rollen.
  • Variante B: infinitydesign Joker classic - ein vollkommen rundes zeitloses und prämiertes Feng Shui Design
  • Variante C infinitydesign Joker Formfit gerade - wie Variante A jedoch kleinere Tische für mehr Arbeitsplätze im Raum.
Published in 办公方案


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(Leider wurde uns der interessante Vortrag von Dr. med. Peter Stehle und den anderen Redner zum Thema Internet SEO noch nicht zur Verfügung gestellt.)

Der Markt wandelt sich und bietet damit neue Konzepte um bei Google und Co. VORNE dabei zu sein. Das neue Internet-Vertriebskonzept schließt die Lücke der Anonymität im Internet-Handel und verbessert den regionalen Service vor Ort. Profitieren Sie von unserem Ergonomie- und Vertriebs „Know-How“ und kommen Sie zu unserem Sales & Ergonomie Meeting am 27. März 2015

  • Neukundenaquise: Bambus Massivholz Büro Referenzen Kärcher, Jungheinrich, Artundweise, VR-Bank und H.C.Starck.
  • Der neue WEY-chair Hochsitzer Ergonomisches Sitzkonzept des Aufrechten Sitzens nach Skandinavischem Vorbild (Balans, HAG capisco uvm).
  • Schnäppchenmarkt: reduzierte neuwertige Büromöbel (Tische, Stühle, Schränke, etc.)

siehe Newsletter: http://www.vital-office.de/de-DE/info-de/news/449


Published in 演示文稿 2015
星期一, 24 11月 2014 01:00

How to achieve Efficiency and Creativity?

Each company, each entrepreneur, managing director, sector or department manager endeavours to be successful with his employees. Motivation techniques should ensure that all the employees, in a good mood, thinking positively and with a smile on their faces act better than the competitor. But what really is THE decisive factor for success?

The key word here is creativity. Creativity is important for a healthy office and a healthy organization. Creative employees who contribute intuitively respond better and faster to challenges in their jobs and are therefore more successful.

By contrast, employees who in a virtuously perfect manner act based only what they are told are less able to react to changes and ultimately fail in attempts to compete. Virtuosity is the opposite of creativity. There are other important factors beyond how thoroughly you have learned your job. Your authentic and self-generated expression is important.



Published in Office optimization

Planning and execution of a new facility for administration. Future-oriented taking into account change management (growth plus/minus, relocation, relocation, new construction, changed technical work equipment such as.B. UHD monitors for designers, home office, leisure working, team work enhancements, VR, etc.) and cultural aspects (company and country), as well as ergonomics (standing and sitting workstations) and room acoustics (acoustic furniture). In practice, we address these points in our concrete discussions and incorporate the results into the concept and planning.

On site, an increased sensitivity of the employees with regard to the room acoustics was noted. However, a common suspended ceiling with easily absorbent panels is already present. Since there are no relevant larger areas that would be suitable for additional acoustic measures, the furnishing concept with acoustic furniture was created. Each of the height-adjustable desks gets an acoustic caddy with 1.22m² of highly absorbent acoustics directly at each workstation. In addition, other furniture components are sound-absorbing.

The planned acoustic furniture can be ordered for export either from German (Vital-Office GmbH) or Chinese production (Vital-Office Shanghai Ltd.).


Published in 办公方案

Vital-Office success story in China

1. German production technology brought to China factories

2. Immediate development of new and adapted products to fit into Chinese market

3. Use of local material and advantages e.g. Green Bamboo

4. Professional concepts instead of cheap and fancy products

5. Quickly furnish well known corporations e.g. Kärcher, Changshu / Jungheinrich, Shanghai / H.C. Starck, Gangzhou / Optima packaging Shanghai

  • Short lead time (2-3 weeks)
  • Competitive prices
  • Reliable professional service
  • from planning to installation
Published in 演示文稿 2015
星期二, 25 11月 2014 01:00

Why Virtuosity is the opposite of creativity

If you act virtuously you do not need to think anything new. You simply do what you have learnt. But it does not depend so much on how well something was learnt (virtuosity). Authentic – individual – expression (creativity) is more important. Only through such authentic expression, borne from the inner self, can other people be reached on a subtle level of human interconnection (social intelligence). This expression is required to get true feedback and to identify your present reality, and this is the precondition for effective intuition.

Efficiency is different from productivity, which is achieved only through completing specific tasks. The industrious working away at specific tasks is rarely efficient! Efficiency means “to hit the mark at the right time” which simply is intuition based on present reality – CREATIVITY!




Published in Office optimization

Ein Großraumbüro für einen Mittelstandsbetrieb im Nordschwarzwald.

Hersteller von Anlagen und Komponenten für die Kunststoffverbindung auf Basis von Ultraschall-, Infrarot- und Heizelement-Technologie.

Published in 办公方案
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Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir möchten gerne mit Ihnen Zusammenarbeiten.

Traditionell Handwerksorientiert, können wir Ihnen folgende Akustik Produkte und Konfektionsleistungen für die akustische und thermische Wandgestaltung, den Innenausbau und Möbelbau, uvm. mit günstigen und flexiblen Akustikmaterial anbieten.

  • PET Akustikplatten 1220x2440x9mm - 1.9kg/m² - feine Oberfläche - höchst schallabsorbierend
  • vielseitig, modern und leicht zu verarbeiten
  • in 19 wohlsortierten Farben für Anwendungsbereiche vom Büro bis zum Kindergarten
  • ab Lager kurzfristig abrufbar
  • optional mit CNC Zuschnitt (rund oder eckig) und Konfektion mit CNC Messerschneidemaschine
  • optional mit CNC V-Cut Mauerwerksstrukturen für ansprechende Wandverkleidungen
  • optional mit CNC V-Cut für flexible biegbare Platten
  • B1 / E0 / Oekotex100 / umweltfreundlich (recyceltes PET)


Published in 新闻中心
星期二, 25 11月 2014 01:00

How to design a Creative Workplace

The answer is: In nature.

Obviously, most people have had this experience. Not in buildings but outside in nature. Something happens there in interaction with nature which is different from in an artificial environment. If we think about our archetypical experiences, this becomes more understandable. Our ancestors lived and developed in nature for many thousands of years. First of all, certainly the fight for survival was on the agenda. For example, a monotonous desert with steep sharp-edged rocks was not especially attractive. Monotony and a sharp-edged quality are therefore always regarded as dangerous and hostile to life. In contrast, a lush green landscape with a lot of water and many plants and animals seems like a paradise. You had enough to eat and could devote yourself to craft and many other occupations in a creative way in your spare time. At the same time, the diversity of the paradisiacal nature is the source of inspiration for creative developments.





Published in Office optimization
第3页 共7页

German furniture manufacturing

Vital Office GmbH

 D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204

  +49 7248 93566-90

  +49 7248 93566-97

  [email protected]



International Export

Vital Office Hongkong Limited

 Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  [email protected]


Chinese furniture manufacturing

Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd


  [email protected]


 Wechat ID: Vital-Office



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