Since 2012 numerous studies, including at German research institutes, have tested the effectiveness of our elliptical under-desk exercise machines and have shown that these devices sustainably reduce sedentary time. For details, please see the references to scientific publications below.
Additionally, for the last number of years, we have worked with various stakeholders in developing this, the third generation of elliptical under-desk exercise machines. Among others, we had over 100 international ergonomists from Germany, the US and about 25 other countries try out our machines to give us feedback and suggestions. These have been incorporated into the engineering of this new generation active Life Trainer.
Finally, in this article, we’re addressing some of the differences between activeLife TrainerTM, our elliptical under-desk machine, and treadmill desks which have become popular in the US in the past few years.
Elliptical under Table Ergometer with Bluetooth interface to fitness apps that you can easily connect and loosen with your office chair. Set pedal resistance and you can move and stay fit as much as you want.
The elliptical tread is so gentle and natural that your upper body and muscles are completely free for precise work on the mouse and keyboard. A great feeling. Your hand movements to the mouse or keyboard are just as accurate as usual. (It doesn't wobble!)
Easily transportable by a light weight of only 14.5 kg and reels. Simply lift and move to the next place. The smallest dimensions ensure that the device does not interfere with the table and that you are still free in your usual working movements.
Keep in motion - be healthy and fit - all while working at your desk, reading, writing, playing computer games, watching TV, but also while chilling, surfing, playing games, eating, and much more.
activeLife trainer is an under-desk elliptical exercise machine to which you can easily connected your office chair by placing one of its wheels into the connecting plate. When done, undo the connection simply by rollring your chair out. With the built-in Android and Apple iOS compatible Bluetooth smart sensor, you will stay motivated by tracking and sharing your activeLife Trainer work outs.
For craftsmen we offer the acoustic plates in the raw dimension of 2420x1220mm.
With Vital Office Acoustics PET`s we would like to present you a very efficient, lively, color and shapely product, which is unique in its kind and meets many different requirements or even existing problems (solves).
What you hear is often different from what you see. Acoustically good room design is not so easy. A consultant should bring well-founded basic knowledge and practical experience. All shown and advertising-strongly published absorption values are to be evaluated in relation to the application in the room and the processing of the product. For example, a huge difference arises whether the sound absorbing material is directly applied to a hard surface or is mounted at a distance.
In this respect, the thickness of the material also plays a role. However, for the most part only in the mass as it increases the distance to the hard surface. In practical terms, this means that a thinner material achieves the same sound absorption when it is mounted at a distance. Depending on the application, a cost-benefit comparison between a. thick material and B. Thinner material with substructure makes sense.
A new development with low costs but at the same time highly efficient in sound absorption: A beautiful opportunity to bring together design and function are the solid wood bamboo frames, in which vitAcoustic panels can be clipped without tools and easily removed and replaced. At home, in the office and even in public buildings, this creates appealing and highly absorbent wall decorations with at the same time pleasant room acoustics. The system can be extended at any time and with it the desired sound absorption. Very individual ideas can be implemented by printing the panels with ornaments, personal photos or company slogans. The filigree frames are made of solid bamboo and are available in three sizes and thicknesses. Thus, a three-dimensional design effect of the wall can be achieved.
VitAcoustic polyethylene material is free of pollutants without the supply of odour and emission. They are friendly to the skin and airways and can therefore be used completely harmlessly in areas where babies and children play and learn. In combination with an effective sound absorption, one sets the course for a healthy, stress-free and concentration-enhancing development.
Artundweise, an agency for web design and application development, needed to relocate in a more modern office building and Vital-Office was hired to plan their new creative work environment.
Rather than planning a standard open space office, Vital-Office analyzed fundamental ergonomic principles and their correlations to health, vitality and motivation.
Question: How do the coworkers accept the new office concept?
"Dear Mr. Jordan,
I have the impression, very very well. It is a well-being office. Not only the coworkers - all who have to do something with (land-lord, construction team, phone company, and much more) are emphasized, astonished and inspired.
The whole office is exceptional and outrages between the other offices. It is therefore taken as reference by the land-lord (Grosse) for other lofts which are still open to rent.
Best regards" Gerlinde Jones, artundweise GmbH, Agentur für digitale Kommunikation Konsul-Schmidt-Str. 8L, 28217 Bremen
Customer: artundweise GmbH, Agentur für digitale Kommunikation Konsul-Schmidt-Str. 8L, 28217 Bremen
Industry: Medien, IT
Building: Büro
Workplaces: >50
Type: programming and standard office work
Vision: Feng-Shui, Ergonomics, attractiveness, appreciation and feel-good environment
Planning and Design: Vital-Office
"Ihre Möbel und vor allem Ihr Konzept finde ich überzeugend. Die außergewöhnliche Form der Möbel und Ihr Ansatz nach Feng Shui passen sehr gut zu Cum Natura." Stefan Kumm
Kunde: Cum Natura GmbH, Bienenprodukte, Hauptstraße 56b, D- 77830 Bühlertal,
Industrie: Naturprodukte, Imkerei, Honig Herstellung und Vertrieb
Gebäude: Büro
Arbeitsplätze: <20
Typ: Sachbearbeiter Büros
Vision: Feng-Shui, Natürlichkeit, Ergonomie und Wohlfühlen
Feng Shui Beraterin: Sylvia Diemer
为了对房间声学测量进行实际的计算和评估, 有根据的声学物理基础知识和实际经验是适当的。具体而言, 必须据此确定现实的初始价值。对于敏感区域, 应由声学专家进行专业的测量。或者, 至少应该在电话应用程序中重复进行临时测量。临时测量仅担当指南为房间材料的选择和他们的吸收系数在声学计算器。基本上, 任何没有专业测量的初始情况的计算都是假设的!.:
低频的吸收频率不同于高频。玻璃表面 (窗) 或由纸板制成的普通办公室橱柜在不同的厚度, 当你击中深色调的共鸣, 可以采取行动的低频吸收。然而, 由于缺乏被测量的对象的数据, 正确的演算不可能是可能的。在测量的基础上, 需要专门设置特殊的深度吸收器 (振动谐振腔)。
计算是基于来自对象和材料的测量数据。其中一些被列出在 DIN 18041 模范。其他的是从不同的来源, 他们的正确性和符合实际现有的对象或材料没有保证。
区域是重要的-例如, 小的元素, 简单地被忽略由更低的频率由于长的波长。即使有 a 级吸收器, 也需要一个足够大的吸收表面与房间的大小。在通讯室中, 天花板上的吸收器被谨慎地处理。这里有更多的反映需要!
因此, 重要部门建议使用灵活的声学有效产品。声学产品是可分的和易于安装, 可以很容易地删除, 如果必要的。这使得对声学有效产品的投资更加可持续、更经济、更有效。例如, VitAcoustic 3d 帧。VitAcoustic 3d 帧有额外的积极声学特性 (在较低的频率) 通过嵌套的竹子实木框架。
ps 在桌 "VO01" 声学计算器, 例子价值为一间会议室和在 VO02 为俱乐部房间根据毗邻360度全景图片被输入。
我们很高兴与一个开放源码项目类似的贡献社区分享原始的 Excel。有意者请通过电子邮件联系 [email protected] pj@vital 办公室. net。进一步发展步骤是:
扩展和增加材料和对象数据库, 特别是标准家具或整个模范设施的被测量的价值以房间大小。
通过进一步的计算公式 (目前只有选择了) 的延伸和比较。
高吸水性的柔性 vitAcoustic 吸音器百叶窗橱柜转换障碍成高效的宽带吸收 cost-effectively。遵循 microperforation 的原则, 纺织 vitAcoustic 板, 结合一个腔体 (内阁内部), 发展几乎线性宽带吸收, 特别是在语言相关领域。vitAcoustic 百叶窗, 可在多达50种颜色, 通常比可比 PVC 百叶窗便宜。
宜人安静的房间气氛, 具有良好的语音清晰度。
更便宜和更环保的替代 PVC 百叶窗有或没有声学功能
大颜色选择, 更具设计灵活性
该材料是 E0, B1 和可回收 (PET)
Schon lange mit uns auf dem Weg und immer wieder in sehr angenehmer Zusammenarbeit sind wir mit unserem Kunden Kunz-Schulze Immobilien. Sicher liegt das auch daran, dass Teile seiner Firmenphilosophie wie „Der Mensch steht bei uns im Vordergrund“ oder "wir leben unseren Beruf mit ganzem Herzen“ den unseren so ähnlich sind. Mit diesem Hintergrund machten wir uns an die Arbeit und entwarfen mit dem kreativen Team von Kunz Schulze Immobilien zusammen, ein sehr edles, modernes und lebendiges Büro, welches bis hin zu den eingesetzten Vital-Office (Möbel) Produkten das Firmenbild spürbar macht. "Die Qualität unserer Arbeitsumgebung bestimmt die Qualität unserer Arbeit" - Unsere ergonomischen Tische wurden aus einer Kombination von nachhaltigem massivem Bambus und Linoleum gefertigt, Die benötigten Aktenschränke erhielten eine schlichte Dekorfläche und wurden einseitig mit einer Bambusrahmen-/Akustik 3d-frames Konstruktion beplankt, um gleichzeitig ein angenehm raumakustisches Klima zu schaffen. Als zusätzliche schallabsorbierende Elemente wurden unsere Akustikmatten in Rollcontainern sowie Sichtschutzblenden der Schreibtische verarbeitet. Große Pflanztröge sorgen für ein gesundes Raumklima.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir möchten gerne mit Ihnen Zusammenarbeiten.
Traditionell Handwerksorientiert, können wir Ihnen folgende Akustik Produkte und Konfektionsleistungen für den Innenausbau und Möbelbau mit günstigen und flexiblen Akustikmaterial anbieten.
回声使在 Malsch 的青年援助 Waldhaus/瓦德学校的舞厅几乎不可能使用。回声, 或声音的反射是如此之高, 没有什么可以理解。
但它接缝: EnBW #MacherBus 支持青年援助 Waldhaus 不仅财政上在承购新的酣然的吸收的元素, 而且 EnBW 制造商接管元素的附上。与新的房间音响措施, 森林房子学校的孩子能再使用大厅在和平。
重要办公室也支持这个项目, 交付 vitAcoustic 框架为最佳的酣然的吸收并且带领了大会。
香真正的干草,干草花和苔藓直接应用于维生素吸声板。另一种全方位感受真实天然产品的多功能方式(看,触摸,闻起来)。特殊的专利保存和涂层方法开辟了全新的设计选择。而vitAcoustic天然涂层吸波板可用于所有的声学应用,如三维框架,音响卷帘柜,房间划分的面板窗帘和灵活的分区和分区。用于测量:在有色玻璃和吸音板上透明或半透明的自然元素。设计你的个人声学自然图片与19 vitAcoustic颜色和真正的干草,干草花和苔藓。您可以选择不透明和透明。对于项目,我们也提供个别调整,例如半透明。非常独特的想法可以通过涂覆各种真正的天然材料,如干草,干草花和苔藓来实施。
Vital Office GmbH
D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204
+49 7248 93566-90
+49 7248 93566-97
Vital Office Hongkong Limited
Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd
Wechat ID: Vital-Office
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