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星期二, 23 2月 2016 15:06

Steh-Sitz Schreibtisch: Joker Diamond in Furnier

Original Ergonomie und Feng Shui optimierter Vital-Office Schreibtisch mit anthropometrisch runder Vital-Office Schreibtischplatte facettiert und natürlich gewachster MDF Naturkante. Ein wertiger Schreibtisch zum Wohlfühlen. Extrem platzsparend durch die flächeneffiziente Vital-Office Rundform. Passt harmonisch in Räume, wo ein gerader Schreibtisch in gleicher Größe nicht mehr passen würde. Beliebige Drehwinkel ermöglichen optimale Feng Shui Positionen mit Backing und Übersicht.


  • How can performance-promoting environment factors be used and applied in the commercial departments of a company?
  • What improvements can be achieved by the specific measures?
  • Must the employees accept these applications for them to work?

Dear … ,

It was a pleasure meeting so much people at our Forum on 26th Mai 2015.
What is your opinion? Do you see possibilities working together?

Based on our expertise in Feng Shui, ergonomics and management, we can provide diligent design and project services for corporate office interiors in a time saving way for our clients, designers and architects.

Wherever your next office is, we collaborate with you to select exactly which combination of our work is most useful for your project. Working for designers and architects, we facilitate your design ideas to meet ergonomics, Feng-Shui and modular furniture parts with 3d renderings.

We perceive office design as inspiration and interaction on all levels. From the basics of ease of use (ergonomics) to stimulation of social interaction, collaboration and communication. Leverage stimulating design powers to generate "feel good" office environments that foster real transformation into team working powers. The Vital-Office standard design products derive from our conceptual design work and facilitate the requirements defined for Your office concept.

Don't hesitate to get a quote. Simply call or email us :)

Peter Jordan

Here you will find the presentations held and additional literature / references and reviews and comments: (Scroll down)


Business excellence and it’s correlation to Feng Shui.

Statistics like Gallup show how difficult it is to achieve business excellence and a self-learning organization with engaged employees and team working. Well engineered factories are half of the success. Neglecting the importance of office design results in a rigid, restriction driven organization. All Statistics and TQM studies show that Team working is the main key to sustainable success. To achieve team working in our offices, we need overcome the Cartesian division and perceive the organization as integral system (likewise in Business excellence). Feng Shui, in the selected and scientifically analyzed way of the Vital-Office Concept offers practical methods to analyze and implement working organizational structures with the help of environmental stimulation towards attitude, quality, collaboration and Team work.

In the extended seminars we go in depth and outline practical methods and examples and participants receive a certificate for attending the course.

Published in 演示文稿 2015
星期一, 24 11月 2014 01:00

Why good office design is so important?

Have you ever considered how much time you spend in the office? Apart from periods spent sleeping, the workplace is the environment where we spend most time. The extent to which you live your working life creatively is the extent to which your private life will also be creative.

Our journey through life is positively or negatively influenced by the quality of our office workspace. We are used to living in a lush gloriously colourful environment based on archetypical experiences. At the same time the diversity of nature is the source of inspiration for the development of creative potentials.


Published in Office optimization


... bitte downloaden Sie die Präsentation.
(Leider wurde uns der interessante Vortrag von Dr. med. Peter Stehle und den anderen Redner zum Thema Internet SEO noch nicht zur Verfügung gestellt.)

Der Markt wandelt sich und bietet damit neue Konzepte um bei Google und Co. VORNE dabei zu sein. Das neue Internet-Vertriebskonzept schließt die Lücke der Anonymität im Internet-Handel und verbessert den regionalen Service vor Ort. Profitieren Sie von unserem Ergonomie- und Vertriebs „Know-How“ und kommen Sie zu unserem Sales & Ergonomie Meeting am 27. März 2015

  • Neukundenaquise: Bambus Massivholz Büro Referenzen Kärcher, Jungheinrich, Artundweise, VR-Bank und H.C.Starck.
  • Der neue WEY-chair Hochsitzer Ergonomisches Sitzkonzept des Aufrechten Sitzens nach Skandinavischem Vorbild (Balans, HAG capisco uvm).
  • Schnäppchenmarkt: reduzierte neuwertige Büromöbel (Tische, Stühle, Schränke, etc.)

siehe Newsletter: http://www.vital-office.de/de-DE/info-de/news/449


Published in 演示文稿 2015
星期一, 24 11月 2014 01:00

How to achieve Efficiency and Creativity?

Each company, each entrepreneur, managing director, sector or department manager endeavours to be successful with his employees. Motivation techniques should ensure that all the employees, in a good mood, thinking positively and with a smile on their faces act better than the competitor. But what really is THE decisive factor for success?

The key word here is creativity. Creativity is important for a healthy office and a healthy organization. Creative employees who contribute intuitively respond better and faster to challenges in their jobs and are therefore more successful.

By contrast, employees who in a virtuously perfect manner act based only what they are told are less able to react to changes and ultimately fail in attempts to compete. Virtuosity is the opposite of creativity. There are other important factors beyond how thoroughly you have learned your job. Your authentic and self-generated expression is important.



Published in Office optimization

Vital-Office success story in China

1. German production technology brought to China factories

2. Immediate development of new and adapted products to fit into Chinese market

3. Use of local material and advantages e.g. Green Bamboo

4. Professional concepts instead of cheap and fancy products

5. Quickly furnish well known corporations e.g. Kärcher, Changshu / Jungheinrich, Shanghai / H.C. Starck, Gangzhou / Optima packaging Shanghai

  • Short lead time (2-3 weeks)
  • Competitive prices
  • Reliable professional service
  • from planning to installation
Published in 演示文稿 2015
星期二, 25 11月 2014 01:00

Why Virtuosity is the opposite of creativity

If you act virtuously you do not need to think anything new. You simply do what you have learnt. But it does not depend so much on how well something was learnt (virtuosity). Authentic – individual – expression (creativity) is more important. Only through such authentic expression, borne from the inner self, can other people be reached on a subtle level of human interconnection (social intelligence). This expression is required to get true feedback and to identify your present reality, and this is the precondition for effective intuition.

Efficiency is different from productivity, which is achieved only through completing specific tasks. The industrious working away at specific tasks is rarely efficient! Efficiency means “to hit the mark at the right time” which simply is intuition based on present reality – CREATIVITY!




Published in Office optimization
星期二, 25 11月 2014 01:00

How to design a Creative Workplace

The answer is: In nature.

Obviously, most people have had this experience. Not in buildings but outside in nature. Something happens there in interaction with nature which is different from in an artificial environment. If we think about our archetypical experiences, this becomes more understandable. Our ancestors lived and developed in nature for many thousands of years. First of all, certainly the fight for survival was on the agenda. For example, a monotonous desert with steep sharp-edged rocks was not especially attractive. Monotony and a sharp-edged quality are therefore always regarded as dangerous and hostile to life. In contrast, a lush green landscape with a lot of water and many plants and animals seems like a paradise. You had enough to eat and could devote yourself to craft and many other occupations in a creative way in your spare time. At the same time, the diversity of the paradisiacal nature is the source of inspiration for creative developments.





Published in Office optimization

Man unconsciously recognizes geometric relationships and as a result also the higher order in design. Mathematically these forms are very complicated, but humans are unconsciously aware of such relations. Who can create complex geometry? Not animals, not plants and not stones. Only the highest spirit in the creation can do this. This ability is a divine gift. If you apply more effort in geometry people can feel it. Since we perceive the effect of a form unconsciously, just like the effect of a color, this also has a specific effect on us. This can vary a great deal. Just like a mix of colors produces a mix of feelings, emotions and tendencies in our way of thinking and influences us in our decision-making, the form has the same effect.






Published in Office optimization
第3页 共6页

VitAcoustic® cassettes - superleicht, sehr hohe Schallabsorption und einfache Montage

Fast alles ist möglich mit unseren VitAcoustic® cassettes. Geringes Gewicht, 1,9kg/m², Brandschutz B1 und leichte Montage zeichnen unser Material aus. Durch Excenterbefestigung ist eine Millimetergenaue Ausrichtung gewährleistet.

Testimonial: Das ist wirklich sehr gelungen, und der Kunde ist voll zufrieden. Sieht gut aus, Besten Dank für die tolle Arbeit. Die Montage verlief einfach, alles wurde in ca. 4 Std. montiert, inkl. den grossen Wandabsorber.

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PET Akustikplatten mit CNC Konfektion für den Schreiner und Innenausbauer

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir möchten gerne mit Ihnen Zusammenarbeiten.

Traditionell Handwerksorientiert, können wir Ihnen folgende Akustik Produkte und Konfektionsleistungen für den Innenausbau und Möbelbau mit günstigen und flexiblen Akustikmaterial anbieten.

  • PET Akustikplatten 1220x2440x9mm - 1.9kg/m² - feine Oberfläche - höchst schallabsorbierend
  • vielseitig, modern und leicht zu verarbeiten
  • in 19 wohlsortierten Farben für Anwendungsbereiche vom Büro bis zum Kindergarten
  • ab Lager kurzfristig abrufbar
  • optional mit CNC Zuschnitt (rund oder eckig) und Konfektion mit CNC Messerschneidemaschine
  • optional mit CNC V-Cut Mauerwerksstrukturen für ansprechende Wandverkleidungen
  • optional mit CNC V-Cut für flexible biegbare Platten
  • B1 / E0 / Oekotex100 / umweltfreundlich (recyceltes PET)


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Eurocampus Lycee Francais - acoustic optimized school

A remarkable acoustic optimized school project. Through professional consultation by Delhom acoustique the classrooms and corridors have large sound absorbing surfaces. Besides the ceiling, at least 1 wall was made with vitAcoustic wall absorbers.

Nicely integrated in the overall bamboo design by gmp · International GmbH (Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner).

The target was, that the kids can calm down and concentrate better in a quite and sound optimized acoustic environment. Whoever will visit this school will hear the difference and will want to sit down for a while and relax.

This project has been a challenge for our teams, because of the very very short delivery time for 3 floors, 30x classrooms with corridor and classroom inbuilt furniture, receptions desks, library, kitchen furniture, water dispenser, acoustic flower pots in PAC and much more.

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VitAcoustic 数据表

VitAcoustic 聚乙烯声学材料数据表技术参数:

  • VitAcoustic Pet 板9mm
  • 类似毡的纺织板材, 但由塑料纤维制成
  • 高吸水性 (在应用中的细节必须遵守! 请参见测试曲线)
  • B1 品牌类
  • 没有成分, 没有胶水, 没有染料。零 VOC。对过敏患者有益
  • 颜色: 19-50 库存颜色
  • 成份: 100% 聚酯 (聚乙烯)
  • 形成稳定板
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vitAcoustic Sound, Light and Colors at Orgatec 2022

Sound, light and color - an exciting combination. Acoustics are combined with light. Light is built into sound absorbing material. An infinite number of beautiful products in many colors and shapes appear in the light. Form, function, design and joie de vivre - everything is shown in one.

An absolutely exciting new world for designers, architects and users. We have compiled the result of the new modular product ideas for the international trade fair Orgatec 2022 in Cologne here:

Our manufacturing facility is well equipped and competent to realize your ideas. Simply phone or email us at +49 7248 93566-90 / [email protected]

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Kohlbecker architects - Workplace for people

The first Kohlbecker building was called „The Human Factory“. Because Karl Kohlbecker wanted to ensure that a good quality of life does not end at the factory gates. That‘s a kind thought. And an entrepreneurial one: because when people feel comfortable, everything runs better. Quality increases, processes become faster, the work succeeds.

Workplace for people:

No compromises have been made in the equipment of each individual desk workstation. All components are individually adaptable to humans. Due to the special geometry of the desk, very advantageous workplace groupings result. The offset of the tables to each other is very pleasant. Direct counterparts are avoided. Instead, harmoniously spacious rooms are created between the desks.

A commitment to resource-saving sustainability:

  1. Fast growing bamboo. Hard as solid oak. Now bamboo tops are the new green desktops for Kohlbecker employees.
  2. All the decorative acoustic partitions are made of PET felt, which is made from recycled PET bottles.
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vitAcoustic带真正的干草和苔藓的声学图片 - 带竹框架的声学录音带和可更换的高度吸音的PET吸音板

香真正的干草,干草花和苔藓直接应用于维生素吸声板。另一种全方位感受真实天然产品的多功能方式(看,触摸,闻起来)。特殊的专利保存和涂层方法开辟了全新的设计选择。而vitAcoustic天然涂层吸波板可用于所有的声学应用,如三维框架,音响卷帘柜,房间划分的面板窗帘和灵活的分区和分区。用于测量:在有色玻璃和吸音板上透明或半透明的自然元素。设计你的个人声学自然图片与19 vitAcoustic颜色和真正的干草,干草花和苔藓。您可以选择不透明和透明。对于项目,我们也提供个别调整,例如半透明。非常独特的想法可以通过涂覆各种真正的天然材料,如干草,干草花和苔藓来实施。

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circon 执行 s 级-会议表系统,行政套房。

每个会议室独特风格利用系统 Circon 执行产品线视觉表示形式开发了一种根据个别客户需求需求规模 形式材料/组成


各种表格样式可能椭圆椭圆椭圆截面小船形式可以实现 chromealuriffel 所有大小可行椭圆形办公室项目汉堡一个成功例子瑞士梨树单板椭圆形 11,6 旨在容纳 38 行政套房会议室
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Malsch 青年援助 Waldhaus 宴会厅的室内声学测量...

回声使在 Malsch 的青年援助 Waldhaus/瓦德学校的舞厅几乎不可能使用。回声, 或声音的反射是如此之高, 没有什么可以理解。




但它接缝: EnBW #MacherBus 支持青年援助 Waldhaus 不仅财政上在承购新的酣然的吸收的元素, 而且 EnBW 制造商接管元素的附上。与新的房间音响措施, 森林房子学校的孩子能再使用大厅在和平。


重要办公室也支持这个项目, 交付 vitAcoustic 框架为最佳的酣然的吸收并且带领了大会。




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Jungheinrich HQ+SO - Ergonomic Green Bamboo Office...

5 years after the furnishing of Jungheinrichs new factory, Vital-Office is again the supplier for Jungheinrichs new HQ and SO. Green bamboo desks are chosen again. Rectangular desk tops with height adjustable bases are added new. And the ergonomic saddle like WEY-chair was choosen again, but in 3rd generation technique and design. Electric installation and plug-in possibilities from top of table and from below table top was a special concern. Acoustic partitions are especially made for height adjustable stand-up desks. The acoustic panel is lifted always by the highest table top. This ensures, that all sticky notes on the screens are always available to the users on both sides.

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VitAcoustic® Fliesen für Wandverkleidungen - prakt...

Ein vielseitiges Produkt in handlichem Format für viele Anwendungen in Privat- und Gewerberäumen.

Das handliche Format von 1200x600mm macht es einfach, damit z.B. Wände zu tapezieren, oder eine Verkleidung auf Lattung oder auf anderen nicht dekorativen Dämmplatten zu montieren. Jede Fliesenplatte ist rundum mit einer Fase versehen. so dass kleinere Unebenheiten und Toleranzen beim Ansetzten von Platten aufgefangen werden und damit nicht sichtbar sind.

Ein Wechsel von horizontal und vertikal verlegten Fliesenplatten ergibt schon ein erstes interessantes Muster. Weitere interessante nahtlos und endlos Texturen ergänzen die Designvariation, die zusätzlich zu den 19 verschiedenen kombinierbaren Farben eine Vielzahl an individuellen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten ermöglicht.

Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass wir Ihnen schnell und kostengünstig Ihre Fliesenplatten per Paketdienst zusenden können. Für Fachhandelspartner mit Ausstellung bedeutet dies auch einfache und praktische kleine Vorratslagerung am POS.

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Büroeinrichtung - Eleganz, Ergonomie und Akustik...

Schon lange mit uns auf dem Weg und immer wieder in sehr angenehmer Zusammenarbeit sind wir mit unserem Kunden Kunz-Schulze Immobilien. Sicher liegt das auch daran, dass Teile seiner Firmenphilosophie wie „Der Mensch steht bei uns im Vordergrund“ oder "wir leben unseren Beruf mit ganzem Herzen“ den unseren so ähnlich sind. Mit diesem Hintergrund machten wir uns an die Arbeit und entwarfen mit dem kreativen Team von Kunz Schulze Immobilien zusammen, ein sehr edles, modernes und lebendiges Büro, welches bis hin zu den eingesetzten Vital-Office (Möbel) Produkten das Firmenbild spürbar macht. "Die Qualität unserer Arbeitsumgebung bestimmt die Qualität unserer Arbeit" - Unsere ergonomischen Tische wurden aus einer Kombination von nachhaltigem massivem Bambus und Linoleum gefertigt, Die benötigten Aktenschränke erhielten eine schlichte Dekorfläche und wurden einseitig mit einer Bambusrahmen-/Akustik 3d-frames Konstruktion beplankt, um gleichzeitig ein angenehm raumakustisches Klima zu schaffen. Als zusätzliche schallabsorbierende Elemente wurden unsere Akustikmatten in Rollcontainern sowie Sichtschutzblenden der Schreibtische verarbeitet. Große Pflanztröge sorgen für ein gesundes Raumklima.

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vitAcoustic Deckensegel Gallerie...

Deckensegel rund, Wolken und andere Formen

Hier zeigen wir einige Ideen.

Wir fertigen gerne auch Ihr Design individuell für Sie.

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声学计算器根据 DIN 18041-在办公室, 会议室和教室的声音吸收在线计算...

为了对房间声学测量进行实际的计算和评估, 有根据的声学物理基础知识和实际经验是适当的。具体而言, 必须据此确定现实的初始价值。对于敏感区域, 应由声学专家进行专业的测量。或者, 至少应该在电话应用程序中重复进行临时测量。临时测量仅担当指南为房间材料的选择和他们的吸收系数在声学计算器。基本上, 任何没有专业测量的初始情况的计算都是假设的!.:


低频的吸收频率不同于高频。玻璃表面 (窗) 或由纸板制成的普通办公室橱柜在不同的厚度, 当你击中深色调的共鸣, 可以采取行动的低频吸收。然而, 由于缺乏被测量的对象的数据, 正确的演算不可能是可能的。在测量的基础上, 需要专门设置特殊的深度吸收器 (振动谐振腔)。

计算是基于来自对象和材料的测量数据。其中一些被列出在 DIN 18041 模范。其他的是从不同的来源, 他们的正确性和符合实际现有的对象或材料没有保证。

区域是重要的-例如, 小的元素, 简单地被忽略由更低的频率由于长的波长。即使有 a 级吸收器, 也需要一个足够大的吸收表面与房间的大小。在通讯室中, 天花板上的吸收器被谨慎地处理。这里有更多的反映需要!


因此, 重要部门建议使用灵活的声学有效产品。声学产品是可分的和易于安装, 可以很容易地删除, 如果必要的。这使得对声学有效产品的投资更加可持续、更经济、更有效。例如, VitAcoustic 3d 帧。VitAcoustic 3d 帧有额外的积极声学特性 (在较低的频率) 通过嵌套的竹子实木框架。


ps 在桌 "VO01" 声学计算器, 例子价值为一间会议室和在 VO02 为俱乐部房间根据毗邻360度全景图片被输入。



我们很高兴与一个开放源码项目类似的贡献社区分享原始的 Excel。有意者请通过电子邮件联系 [email protected] pj@vital 办公室. net。进一步发展步骤是:


扩展和增加材料和对象数据库, 特别是标准家具或整个模范设施的被测量的价值以房间大小。

通过进一步的计算公式 (目前只有选择了) 的延伸和比较。

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VitAcoustic: 吸音快门柜...

高吸水性的柔性 vitAcoustic 吸音器百叶窗橱柜转换障碍成高效的宽带吸收 cost-effectively。遵循 microperforation 的原则, 纺织 vitAcoustic 板, 结合一个腔体 (内阁内部), 发展几乎线性宽带吸收, 特别是在语言相关领域。vitAcoustic 百叶窗, 可在多达50种颜色, 通常比可比 PVC 百叶窗便宜。



宜人安静的房间气氛, 具有良好的语音清晰度。

更便宜和更环保的替代 PVC 百叶窗有或没有声学功能

大颜色选择, 更具设计灵活性

该材料是 E0, B1 和可回收 (PET)

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German furniture manufacturing

Vital Office GmbH

 D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204

  +49 7248 93566-90

  +49 7248 93566-97

  [email protected]



International Export

Vital Office Hongkong Limited

 Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

  [email protected]


Chinese furniture manufacturing

Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd


  [email protected]


 Wechat ID: Vital-Office



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