Wir möchten mit Ihnen gemeinsam dieses spannende Thema erforschen und Sie hierzu einladen.
Zum bereits ganzheitlichen Büromöbelkonzept von Vital-Office (Ref.: „Das Vital-Office Konzept“ ISBN 978-3-94356-01-7 erhältlich bei Amazon), haben wir mit unserem neuen Akustikmaterial einen wichtigen zusätzlichen Baustein hinzugefügt. Ein weiterer Schritt, um uns mit der Natur wieder etwas mehr zu verbinden.
Wir möchten Ihnen gerne mehr darüber berichten:
Sehr geehrte Vital-Office Freunde, Kunden und Partner,
Ein ereignisreiches Jahr ging zu Ende und schon beginnen wir ein neues! Da bleibt sicher auch etwas Zeit inne zu halten, um Bewährtes zu festigen, aber auch mutig neue Wege zu gehen.
Wir wünschen Ihnen, Ihren Mitarbeitern und Familien für das neue Jahr viel Gesundheit, Zufriedenheit und Erfolg.
Wertvolle Projekte haben wir mit einigen unserer Partner vergangenes Jahr erblickt und realisiert, herzlichen Dank an dieser Stelle für Ihr Vertrauen und auch für die angenehme Arbeit im Team. 2017 freuen wir uns darauf, dass Sie uns erneut fordern, um auch weiterhin für Sie etwas Besonderes zu tun. Zum Jahresausklang möchten wir noch gerne einige Vital-Office Highlights der vergangenen Monate mit Ihnen teilen. Zwei sehr schöne, repräsentative Großprojekte, bei denen unser gesamtes Planungsknowhow zum Einsatz kommen durfte, deren Umsetzung äußerst interessant war und viel Spaß bereitete:
Serious and responsible at work. Yes, this is what describes our work well. Our company Vital-Office, who's base is located in Germany, with subsidiaries in Hongkong and Shanghai offers quality products designed by German handcraft tradition. No matter, if the products are produced in Germany or China, the detailed engineering design work is the essential key to quality.
Over many years, our team developed expertise in many fields related to interior design, office design, Feng Shui, acoustics, sustainable bamboo furniture and conference communication technique. This is a wide range, we need understand in detail because our work is not finished with a good looking design image. The final applications and products must fulfill their tasks. This means, that acoustic products are applied in the correct way, which guarantee the absorption promised and office layouts shall guarantee comfortable stress less working and collaboration.
The Vital Office GmbH, specialist for office optimization, supports enterprises with its new product "Vital-Office® acoustic-panel-blinds" in their effort to create a less noisy office environment. The sound absorbing Vital-Office® acoustic-panel-blinds structure window facades and provide flexible screening of working groups, thus resulting in more quietness and concentration on the job.
We have finished this forum and seminar successfully and people are quite responsed and like the topic of Fengshui Office design and TQM business excellence.
Business excellence and it’s correlation to Feng Shui. Statistics like Gallup show how difficult it is to achieve business excellence and a self-learning organization with engaged employees and team working. Well engineered factories are half of the success. Neglecting the importance of office design results in a rigid, restriction driven organization. All Statistics and TQM studies show that Team working is the main key to sustainable success. To achieve team working in our offices, we need overcome the Cartesian division and perceive the organization as integral system (likewise in Business excellence).
Feng Shui, in the selected and scientifically analyzed way of the Vital-Office Concept offers practical methods to analyze and implement working organizational structures with the help of environmental stimulation towards attitude, quality, collaboration and Team work. In this extended seminar we will go in depth and outline practical methods and examples. Participants receive a certificate for attending this course.
The 4th International Conference on Scientific Feng Shui & Built Environment took place in Hong Kong on 20 Feb. 2009: Many academics, architects and practitioners met to share their research and practical application in the field of Feng Shui for the build environment. The Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings (AIIB) and the Department of Building & Construction of City University of Hong Kong invited people from all over the world. This year’s theme was Design Harmony and addressed the increasing interest for architects, building professionals and other property practitioners to apply the concepts of Feng Shui in building design. As Feng Shui knowledge represents a holistic view in creating harmonized built environment, research into the application of Feng Shui to the built environment needs to be addressed.
Die Vital-Office GmbH, Spezialist für Bürooptimierung, startet mit einer neuen Vortrags- und Workshopreihe in 2009. Unternehmensgründer Peter Jordan wird dabei als Referent sein ganzheitliches Konzept gesunder Bürowelten präsentieren und aufzeigen, wie Arbeitsplätze unter Zuhilfenahme der Feng-Shui-Philosophie auf die Bedürfnisse der Mitarbeiter hin gestaltet werden können.
Wie es durch ergonomische und psychologische Ansätze gelingt, kreative Büroarbeitsplätze zu schaffen, die die Kreativität der Mitarbeiter fördern und Spaß an der Arbeit verleihen, zeigt Peter Jordan auf folgenden Veranstaltungen:
The Vital Office group develops ergonomic office systems, which are to inspire and motivate due to their harmonious forms. With infinity | design the enterprise developed a furniture concept, which fulfills Feng Shui guidelines.
Infinity | Design is a flexible and expandable furnishing concept. The consequent rounds design opens new formative free spaces and offers at the same time optimal ergonomic conditions. The desk tops are anthropometric, thus formed according to humans measurements. The accurately dimensioned inner curve of the table top makes quick changes from screen to the desk work possible by just a body turn. Besides a relaxed armrest at the table is given, whereby particularly when intensive working with the mouse loads injurious to health of the wrist at the table edge are avoided. Vitally Office uses for infinity | Design only high-quality, homogeneous desk tops on MDF basis, whose design can be customized through three profiles C=rounded, B=45 degree or T=30 degree.
The goal: workplaces to the needs of the user to customize. With the help of so-called "organic" office environments improves the company work environment, work equipment, work organization and job content. Creativity, communication, quality of life and performance of employees are promoted and at the same time increases the efficiency. Office workplace pose a variety of physical and mental challenges for the staff. Unergonomic furniture, a bad layout, no privacy - health burdens and poor work results are inevitable. Vital office focuses therefore on the strategy of holistic design of working environments. All together toothed areas are analysed and adapted to the needs of the respective employee or improved. So to promote well-being and personality and creativity and performance come fully into its own.
The Vital Office group presents its new and extensive offer of meeting, conference and boardroom tables. With the product line „circon executive “, „infinity Design “and „bicon7 concept “ different series are available, in order to plan the perfect conference table for each application.
Representative elegance comes to each conference room furnished with circon executive conference product line of Vital Office. Size, form and material composition are planned according to customer's request and adapted optimally to the given situation. So elliptical, oval or boat formed tables with elliptical bases in chrome, aluminum-groove or individually lacquered. Arbitrary table sizes are feasible. The project Oval Office in Hamburg is furnished with an oval board room table of 11.6 meter length in Swiss pear tree for 38 persons.
5 years after the furnishing of Jungheinrichs new factory, Vital-Office is again the supplier for Jungheinrichs new HQ and SO. Green bamboo desks are chosen again. Rectangular desk tops with height adjustable bases are added new. And the ergonomic saddle like WEY-chair was choosen again, but in 3rd generation technique and design. Electric installation and plug-in possibilities from top of table and from below table top was a special concern. Acoustic partitions are especially made for height adjustable stand-up desks. The acoustic panel is lifted always by the highest table top. This ensures, that all sticky notes on the screens are always available to the users on both sides.
高吸水性的柔性 vitAcoustic 吸音器百叶窗橱柜转换障碍成高效的宽带吸收 cost-effectively。遵循 microperforation 的原则, 纺织 vitAcoustic 板, 结合一个腔体 (内阁内部), 发展几乎线性宽带吸收, 特别是在语言相关领域。vitAcoustic 百叶窗, 可在多达50种颜色, 通常比可比 PVC 百叶窗便宜。
宜人安静的房间气氛, 具有良好的语音清晰度。
更便宜和更环保的替代 PVC 百叶窗有或没有声学功能
大颜色选择, 更具设计灵活性
该材料是 E0, B1 和可回收 (PET)
回声使在 Malsch 的青年援助 Waldhaus/瓦德学校的舞厅几乎不可能使用。回声, 或声音的反射是如此之高, 没有什么可以理解。
但它接缝: EnBW #MacherBus 支持青年援助 Waldhaus 不仅财政上在承购新的酣然的吸收的元素, 而且 EnBW 制造商接管元素的附上。与新的房间音响措施, 森林房子学校的孩子能再使用大厅在和平。
重要办公室也支持这个项目, 交付 vitAcoustic 框架为最佳的酣然的吸收并且带领了大会。
Deckensegel rund, Wolken und andere Formen
Hier zeigen wir einige Ideen.
Wir fertigen gerne auch Ihr Design individuell für Sie.
The first Kohlbecker building was called „The Human Factory“. Because Karl Kohlbecker wanted to ensure that a good quality of life does not end at the factory gates. That‘s a kind thought. And an entrepreneurial one: because when people feel comfortable, everything runs better. Quality increases, processes become faster, the work succeeds.
No compromises have been made in the equipment of each individual desk workstation. All components are individually adaptable to humans. Due to the special geometry of the desk, very advantageous workplace groupings result. The offset of the tables to each other is very pleasant. Direct counterparts are avoided. Instead, harmoniously spacious rooms are created between the desks.
Fast alles ist möglich mit unseren VitAcoustic® cassettes. Geringes Gewicht, 1,9kg/m², Brandschutz B1 und leichte Montage zeichnen unser Material aus. Durch Excenterbefestigung ist eine Millimetergenaue Ausrichtung gewährleistet.
Testimonial: Das ist wirklich sehr gelungen, und der Kunde ist voll zufrieden. Sieht gut aus, Besten Dank für die tolle Arbeit. Die Montage verlief einfach, alles wurde in ca. 4 Std. montiert, inkl. den grossen Wandabsorber.
Vital Office GmbH
D-75334 Straubenhardt, Holzbachtal 204
+49 7248 93566-90
+49 7248 93566-97
Vital Office Hongkong Limited
Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Vital-Office Shanghai Co.,Ltd
Wechat ID: Vital-Office
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